About us

Gather Your Party Games & Hobbies is a retail store selling games, cards, and nerd merchandise from national distributors to local artisans. We are a social hall conducting consistently scheduled group events such as: Game tournaments, hands on workshops, summer camps and introductory game play classes. We offer table, room, and facility rental for groups and team building events. We want to be a home away from home for people to meet, grow friendships, and play together in a safe and accepting space.

Meet us

This is Cheyenne

Cheyenne was a closeted nerd for years, watching Doctor Who in secret and wishing she could fall into a Dungeons and Dragons campaign but, she just couldn’t get up the courage. That is until she met Kyle, and blossomed into the cryptid loving, flannel wearing, spell casting, board game fanatic she is today.

Cheyenne didn’t go to school for anything that helps run the business but, her winning personality is sure to make you want to come visit again and again. Also, if you listen closely anywhere in Carlisle, you can hear her laughing…

This is Kyle

Kyle has been playing games and has been a nerd for years. Video games, board games, he’s terrible at card games, starting painting minis, and he started playing Dungeons & Dragons when he was 13 and its really gone down hill from there!

Kyle went to school for graphic design and that really only came in handy when we decided to open a business!

Our Story

…3 years ago to be more exact, deep in the throws of COVID, a group of adventurers gathered around a table at a tavern called The Arch. They started to discuss how cool it would be to have their own game shop.

Putting heads together and throwing ideas at the wall, a brilliant idea began to form.

Then they realized they needed gold. Like ALOT of gold. So they shelved the idea… and there it sat collecting dust…

After a couple months, they decided to take the idea and hammer out some of the details, go on quests and find other adventurers that had the same idea. The adventurers made lots of friends along the way and collected all the materials and knowledge to make the good idea become great.

Did I mention that they needed gold? They loved this idea so much they gathered up all their courage and approached the dragons that hoarded all the gold (saying they went to the bank doesn’t sound as good). The dragons fought with great power and sent the brave adventurers running, bloodied and beaten. To be fair, it was more disappointed and grumpy. Not to be defeated so easily, the adventurers brushed themselves off, cursed quietly, and stomped their feet. The last 2 things didn’t actually help anything but it felt good at the time.

After many nights of sifting through mountains of ancient scrolls, calling into the void for answers, but mostly using the internet and some mid level Google-fu, they found their answers. They realized that the dragons could never be defeated. BUT they can be bargained with. It was a risky tactic but like… sometimes, if you ask really nicely, they’ll give you some gold to get you started… but they want your tavern if you decide not to give it back to them later. The brave adventurers understood the danger and they accepted it.

Now, with gold in hand, the adventures roamed the village, or Borough of Carlisle, searching for a place to make their idea come to life.

Turns out, even with a handful of gold, buildings are tough to find. Sure, there are many buildings but some of them are too small, some too big, some are way too expensive. Some were a salon at one point and even though its not a salon anymore they couldn’t part with the idea that a salon wouldn’t be there. If that sounded personal, just know that this adventurer definitely isn’t salty about that conversation at all.

Then as the sun started to set on the dreams of the adventurers, a message came from the ether. It was message that was crafted carefully, using the language of scholars, it read:

“Hey man, give this guy a call. He has a place he wants you to look at.”

It was a lit torch in their darkest hour. Fearing disappointment, excitement was tempered. The adventurers approached slowly, calls were made and a meeting was set.

…it was time to meet with the Lord of the Lands.

The adventurers described their idea, ready to be struck down once more. They explained “We want to open a game shop. Like, board games, and cards and Dungeons & Dragons…” The adventurers prepared to explain that it wasn’t Poker they planned on playing. It was Pokemon. They were ready to explain, for like the hundredth time, Monopoly wasn’t the only board game ever created. Those questions never came. The Lord of the Lands understood the idea, dare I say, LIKED the idea. The Lord of the Lands was excited about it. Most importantly, he didn’t care that it wasn’t a salon.

Papers were drawn up. Gold was given. Hands were shook.

…and when no one was watching little dances were done.

Now, dawn breaks the horizon across the land, the brave adventurers are preparing to take on the world, surrounded by loyal companions and armed with a finely honed give’em hell attitude.

...and the dragons that really want their gold back…

Once upon a time…